Child Surveillance/Baby Clinic
On Tuesdays by appointment.
All types of Child health development and immunisation service are provided (except routine weighing).
This is run by the GP and the Practice Nurse. At this clinic, babies and children receive their immunisations, growth and development checks. Appointments for follow up Immunisations are booked by practice nurse.
Invites are sent by the practice team with the appointment date and time. Please be on time and if this time is not convenient for you then ring the surgery to arrange an alternate time.
if some reason you can not keep then please call the practice to reschedule appointment.
Please remember to bring baby's red book on all visits
Please note: Health visitor will not be available in our baby clinic at the surgery. Instead they will be available at the community clinic. A list of community clinics are available from our practice nurse.
You can find health visitors telephone number on the baby's red book as well. For routine weight check you can arrange with community health visitor clinic near by.